Saturday 5 January 2013

The Vocabulary of Poverty (armoede)

De Morgen is running a special campaign to highlight poverty in Belgium: 'Innocenti, het anti-armoedeproject' which gives food for thought and a lot of new vocabulary.

Stories tell of people living on the street (dakloos=lit. roofless) and difficulties feeding or clothing themselves.

wrijfen = to rub
wieg = the cradle (Mijn armoede is begonnen toen ik nog in de wieg lag)
korstjes = crusts (Zij kregen de boterhammen, ik de korstjes)
schillen = peels (Zij eten de appel, ik de schillen)
tegengekomen = encountered
slokdarm = gullet
gezellig = cosy
grijns = a grin
rouwen = to mourn
aanvaard ons = accept us
kansarm = underprivileged / disadvantaged
kringwinkel = thrift shop / second hand shop

Niemand kijkt de bedelaars in de ogen
Nobody looks the beggars in the eyes.

And lastly, don't forget...
"Want armoede, het kan u ook overkomen. Plots. En dan sta je daar. Alleen"
(Because poverty can happen to you also. Suddenly. And there you are. Alone)

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